I'm LEAVING tonight for three months in Southeast Asia. (Meanwhile, I still have photos to post from my time at Hovenweep, but I fear it will be a while before I'm able to go back and organize them.)
First stop: the Philippines. I'll be scuba diving almost every day for four weeks, helping with the marine conservation work of Coral Cay Conservation: http://www.coralcay.org/projects/philippines/
I may not have any internet access until April, so I wouldn't expect many updates soon, but hopefully by the next time I get to a computer I will have lots of photos and stories to share!
Michelle, you sound like you are having the most amazing gap year. I hope this adventure is as wonderful an experience as it sounds like it will be!!!! Miss you!
Thanks, Nicole! It has turned out to be a pretty amazing year, and not over yet... Miss you too, and I hope I'll get to see you after I get back to Seattle in June!
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